Friday, November 13, 2009
Rabbit Island Estuary
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Abel Tasman
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Golden Bay & Farewell Spit
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Marlborough Sounds
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cook Straight
Karori Sanctuary
Manuwata Estuary
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kapiti Coast
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Kapiti Island
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Downtown Sydney
Silver Gull
Australian White Ibis
Masked Lapwing (Spurwinged Plover)
Feral Pigeon
Sulpher-Crested CockatooRainbow Lorikeet
Willie Wagtail *
Australian Raven
Common Myna
House Sparrow (M F)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Taronga Zoo and Wildlife World
Birds sighted in captivity in the Sydney Taronga Zoo (Tuesday Nov 3), plus species sighted at Sydney Wildlife World and Aquarium (Monday Nov 2)
Southern Cassowary (F -WW only)
Indian PeafowlM F (M F)
Wild Turkey (A J)
Red Jungle Fowl
Fjordland (Crested) Penguin (A)
Little (Blue) Penguin (A)
Little Pied Cormorant
Australasian Grebe
Plumed Whistling Duck (WW & Zoo)
Pacific Black Duck (WW & Zoo)
Australian Wood Duck* (M F)
Buff-Banded Rail (WW & Zoo)
Pied Heron (B)
Great Egret
Glossy Ibis
Australian White Ibis (B/NB -WW & Zoo)
Bush Stone-Curlew (Thick-Kneed Curlew) (WW & Zoo)
Masked Lapwing (Spurwinged Plover) (WW & Zoo)
Banded Lapwing
Silver Gull (A J -WW & Zoo)
Whistling Kite
Superb Fruit-Dove (M)
Pied Imperial-Pigeon
Rose-Crowned Fruit-Dove (M)
Topknot Pigeon*
Spotted Turtle Dove
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (MF)
Feral Pigeon (WW & Zoo)
White-Headed Pigeon*
Peaceful Dove
Emerald Dove
Brush Bronzewing*
Crested Pigeon*
Wonga Pigeon*
Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo*
Gang-Gang Cockatoo* (M F)
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Galah* (WW & Zoo)
Major Mitchell's (Pink) Cockatoo*
Eclectus Parrot (M F)
Rainbow Lorikeet (WW & Zoo)
Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet*
Double-Eyed Fig-Parrot
Musk Lorikeet*
Australian King Parrot* (M F)
Superb Parrot*
Crimson Rosella* (M)
Eastern Rosella*
Red-Rumped Parrot*
Barking Owl
Barn Owl
Tawny Frogmouth* ( -WW only)
Laughing Kookaburra*
Sacred Kingfisher (New Zealand: Kingfisher, Kotare)
Noisy Pitta
Superb Lyrebird* (M)
Red Wattlebird* (A J -WW & Zoo)
Striped Honeyeater
Regent Honeyeater* (M F)
Noisy Miner*
Eastern Whipbird*
White-Browed Babbler*
Hoded Robin*
Australian (Yellow) Figbird
Paradise Riflebird*
Regent Bowerbird*
Satin Bowerbird*
Black-Faced Cuckoo-Shrike (M F)
White-Browed Wood-Swallow*
Australian Magpie
Welcome Swallow
Clamorous (Australian) Reed-Warbler
House Sparrow (M F -WW & Zoo)
Double-Barred Finch*
Zebra Finch (M F -WW only)
Black-Headed Mannikin
Chestnut-Breasted Mannikin
Silvereye (WW & Zoo)
Red-Whiskered Bulbul
Metallic Starling
Common Myna
Non-Australian-Native Birds:
Java Sparrow
Mandarin Duck
Nicobar Pigeon
Red Lory (MF w/ nest (chicks audible))
Pekin Robin
King Quail
Luzon Bleeding-Heart Pigeon
White-Bibbed Ground Dove
Kalij Pheasant (M F)
Golden Pheasant (M F JM)
Victoria-Crowned Pigeon
White Dove
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sapphire Coast
Birds sighted during a trip along NSW's Sapphire Coast, south from Sydney to Batesman's Bay and back again, on Saturday Oct 31st and Sunday Nov 1st. We stopped at: Coomerong Island Nature Reserve (Saturday and Sunday), Murramarang National Park (overnight on Saturday, birdwatching Sunday morning), Booderee National Park and Botanical Gardens (Sunday), the town park in the center of Nowra, NSW. Total of 70 birds sighted.
Emu (dom, Sunday drive)
Chicken (dom, drive - both days)
Australian Pelican* (B/NB, drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days)
Little Pied Cormorant (Comerong Island - Saturday)
Little Black Cormorant (Comerong Island - both days)
Great Cormorant (Saturday drive, Comerong Island - both days)
Domestic Goose (dom, Sunday drive)
Muscovy Duck (feral, Nowra Town Park)
Pacific Black Duck (Comerong Island - both days, Nowra Town Park)
Chestnut Teal* (M F, Comerong Island - both days, Nowra Town Park)
Hardhead (White-Eyed Duck) (M F, Booderee Park)
Australian Wood Duck* (M F, Comerong Island - both days, Nowra Town Park)
Dusky Moorhen (Nowra Town Park)
Eurasian Coot (MF w/ 2 chicks, Nowra Town Park)
White-Necked Heron* (Saturday drive)
White-Faced Heron (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days)
Great Egret (Comerong Island - Sunday)
Cattle Egret (B/NB, drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days)
Australian White Ibis (B/NB, drive - both days, Comerong Island - Saturday)
Eastern Curlew (Comerong Island - Sunday)
Sooty Oystercatcher (Murramarang Park)
Masked Lapwing (Spurwinged Plover) (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Nowra Town Park)
Silver Gull (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Grey Goshawk (drive - both days)
Swamp Harrier (New Zealand: Australasian Harrier, Kahu) (M F, Comerong Island - Sunday)
Nankeen Kestrel (Comerong Island - Saturday)
Feral Pigeon (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Bar-Shouldered Dove (Comerong Island - both days)
Crested Pigeon* (Comerong Island - both days)
Glossy Black Cockatoo* (Booderee Park)
Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo* (Booderee Park)
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (drive - both days)
Galah* (drive - both days)
Long-Billed Corella* (Sunday drive)
Rainbow Lorikeet (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park)
Australian King Parrot* (M F, Saturday drive)
Crimson Rosella* (M, Saturday drive)
Common Koel (M calling, Nowra Town Park)
Laughing Kookaburra* (drive - both days, Comerong Island - Sunday, Booderee Park)
Sacred Kingfisher (New Zealand: Kingfisher, Kotare) (Comerong Island - Saturday, Murramarang Park)
Superb Fairy-Wren* (M F, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park)
Varigated Fairy -Wren* (M F MF actively mating, Booderee Park)
Spotted Pardalote* (M, Murramarang Park)
Brown Thornbill* (Comerong Island - Saturday, Murramarang Park)
Yellow (Little) Thornbill* (Comerong Island - Saturday)
Red Wattlebird* (A J, drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Noisy Friarbird* (Murramarang Park)
Noisy Miner* (Saturday drive, Murramarang Park)
Lewin's Honeyeater* (Comerong Island - both days, Booderee Park)
Yellow-Faced Honeyeater* (Murramarang Park)
Eastern Spinebill* (M F, Murramarang Park)
Eastern Yellow Robin* (Murramarang Park)
Grey Fantail (Sunday drive, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park)
Willie Wagtail (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Magpie Lark (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Black-Faced Cuckoo-Shrike (M F, Murramarang Park)
Dusky Woodswallow* (Murramarang Park)
Australian Magpie (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Pied Currawong (Saturday drive)
Australian Raven (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Fairy Martin (Murramarang Park)
Welcome Swallow (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Nowra Town Park)
Australian Pipit (Comerong Island - both days)
House Sparrow (M F, drive - both days, Comerong Island - Sunday, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
European Goldfinch (Saturday drive, Comerong Island - both days)
Silvereye (Comerong Island - Sunday)
Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Comerong Island - Sunday)
European BlackbirdF (Nowra Town Park)
Common Myna (drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Common Starling (M F, drive - both days, Comerong Island - both days, Murramarang Park, Booderee Park, Nowra Town Park)
Also sighted:
Swamp Wallaby (Murramarang Park)
Eastern Grey Kangaroo (M F, F w/joey, J, Murramarang Park)
Feral Rabbit (Murramarang Park)
Brush-Tailed Possum (Murramarang Park)
Short-Beaked Echidna (Booderee Park)
Three-toed Skink (Nowra Town Park)
Water Dragon (Booderee Park)
Several unidentified small lizards (Coomerong Island)
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